Tuesday, May 7, 2024

A Message From Mrs. Dina Barnaby, CSAMS Dean of Curriculum and Instruction

Dear CSAMS Families,

This is Staff Appreciation Week! Thank you in advance for all of the wonderful ways CSA Parent Council will find to make sure our staff understands how much they are appreciated. Please know that your generosity is recognized and genuinely appreciated.

This week also brings the "big switch" between Science and Social Studies as Rotation 5 comes to an end and Rotation 6, the last rotation of the year, begins. Science and Social Studies end of unit assessments take place this week, so please make sure your student makes the time to study.

Today, Third Year students completed their MSTEP testing. They will have a break of about a week and a half before we wrap up spring standardized testing with the NWEA test which begins on May 20th.

In partnership with you,
Dina Barnaby

Upcoming Calendar of Events*
May 7
MS3 Students Take M-STEP Science, 8:45am Arrival for 9am Testing  
May 8
End of Unit Science Test
May 9
End of Unit Social Studies Test
May 9
Evening CSR's
May 6 - 10
Growing Our Gratitude & Petals of Appreciation Spring Fundraiser
May 13
CSA District Joint Parent Council Meeting at CSPA, 6pm
May 15
Triple S Boosters Meeting at CSAMS, 6pm
May 15
Charter School Day at the Capital  
May 16
CSA Education Foundation Meeting at CSA, 5pm
May 17
Parent Appreciation Tea
May 20
NWEA testing begins
May 22
Arts, Beats & Treats Art Show in High Bay, 6pm - 8pm
May 27
No School, Memorial Day
June 5
Third Year Reception, 6pm
June 10
Student Led Conferencing, 4pm - 5:30pm
June 18
School Picnic
June 19
Students Last Day of School (Half Day and Third Year Clap Out)

*Please refer to the Online Tandem Calendar for a complete list of upcoming CSA District Athletic, Robotic, Drama/Art, and SEP Events*

Save The Date! CSAMS/CSPA Arts, Beats, & Treats ARt Show & Marketplace Will be May 22nd, 6PM - 8PM.

The Education Foundation Presents Our Spring Fundraiser

To further the CSA Education Foundation's mission to raise funds to provide our teachers with Returning Educator Grants, support their professional development opportunities, and provide stipends, we are asking for our CSA families to come together to keep growing our gratitude this spring! Using the QR code below, you can donate today! Any donations, whether one-time or recurring, will be used to go directly back to our teachers.

Every morning during Staff Appreciation Week, students at each campus have an opportunity to join the fun by passing out flowers to staff to show their appreciation! For each donation of at least $1, students will get a flower to deliver!
There is no limit to how often students can participate during the week. We can't wait to see them shower their petals of appreciation!

CSPA/CSAMS Spring Musical Concert Information

Our middle school and high school bands will be performing their concert on Tuesday, May 28th at the 242 Community Center. The band concert will start at 6:30pm. Our middle school and high school choirs and our honors chorale concert will take place on Tuesday, June 4th at the Hartland Performing Arts Center (next door to Target in Hartland). This choir concert will start at 7:00pm. Arrival time information and permission slips for those that will be arriving early will be provided in the upcoming weeks.

We would like to welcome Claire McCloskey to our music program. Claire is one of our former students that studied under Mr. Penner. Miss McCloskey has focused on music at Eastern and we are so excited to have her back with us to run our music program in Mr. Penner's absence. Mrs. Bargen and Mrs. Marcum are excited to partner with Miss McCloskey for the rest of this school year!

CSAMS "Choice Time" Needs Volunteers

For more than a decade, there have been countless news stories and magazine articles about the disappearance of recess from middle schools. We now know that children develop on a continuum and that they benefit from play/exercise/fresh air through all their developmental stages. Recess for middle school students has been proven to lead to improved social interactions, more creative and attentive thinking, and improved academic achievements.

For these reasons, CSAMS has brought back Choice Time for all of our middle school students. It will take place during their lunch break. The first 15 minutes of lunch will be reserved for eating and the last 15 minutes will be time that they can choose to continue eating, go outside, or walk on the track inside. In order to properly staff this opportunity for our students we are in need of some parent volunteers. The goal is to have two volunteers Monday through Thursday from noon to 1pm to help the CSAMS staff with this endeavor. Can you spare an hour or two a week?

Click HERE to Volunteer.